I'll get it all down on paper. Someday.

Sunday, 13 April 2008


Found through the Gaurdian, a website to waste time on. Even more so than the people that have wasted time on producing it's contents:

Essentially people making graphs and pie charts inspired by song lyrics and pop culture references is good way to kill time much in the same vein as icanhazcheezburger.com but not as tedious or repetitive. Some hit and some miss on an epic scale but worth a look nonetheless.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Things That Annoy AlyMondo #2

When people say they've seen a film, when they quite obviously haven't, but continue to talk about it anyway!

"Aw, man, have you seen [insert film's name here]?"

"Yeah, yeah.""It's sooo good! I saw it last night, been meaning to see it for a while."

"Yeah, it's ace. I went to see it in the cinema."

"Oh, how cool was that bit when [insert exciting/movie-defining/critical-to-plot/unforgettable scene here]?"

"Eh... yeah. Yeah that bit was really cool."

"The only thing I didn't like was [insert absolutely terrible/hard to ignore/Dakota Fanning here]. What d'you reckon?"

"Eh, well... yeah, I agree. I don't really remember it much to be honest. It was AGES ago tht I watched it..."

For fuck's sake! If you haven't seen a film just fucking say so. So you'll probably get a "I cannot believe you haven't seen Flight of the Navigator!" type rant, but at least you WON'T BE WASTING MY PRECIOUS FUCKING TIME! It's pathetic. Do you really care whether I give a shit if you've missed out on something brilliant. That's your problem not mine. I just don't see why these people feel the need to pretend about it, like I'm going to judge your puny lives by such things...P.S. If you haven't seen Flight of the Navigator I'm no longer your friend.

Things That Annoy AlyMondo #1

The Girl Who Thinks Quorn Is Cool.

You've seen the advert right? The one with that elbow-faced little vegetarian bitch that gets pissed off that her family have "jumped on the bandwagon" and started eating Quorn. Just. Like. Her!

Well then you'll be familiar with the all-consuming need to suddenly stuff Quorn in her fucking face until she chokes.Just think about it. Your sitting there, listen to her waffle on about feeling her food and her fork (!) trying desperately not to stare at the hideous abomination that is her nose. The hate rising. The point where you snap and reach for that slab of faux-meat. The struggle. The muffled screams. And then the silence, the calm the general feeling of doing a great, great thing for all of mankind. Feels good doesn't it?And why's she eating that stuff anyway? Cause it's fat free? Cause she'll lose some weight? And look good? Well I got news for you elbowface. The reason no one'll poke you round the back of the school bikeshed is that you're BUTT-FUCKING UGLY YOU PATHETIC LITTLE FIEND! NOT FAT! I mean, what the fuck is that thing in the middle of her face anyway? SERIOUSLY!Gah!

Tis i

First and Foremost

Put simply, AlyMondo simply is... a critic.