Yes, sex can be awkward. It can also be fun, sticky, aggressive, sick, relaxing, enlightening, wrong yet so, so right. But more often than not, it's awkward.
I'm not talking about my own personal bedroom deviations (if I was you would have thrown up by now) rather I am talking about writing sex scenes in fiction. Or, in particular, writing sex scenes in graphic fiction. Maybe there's a secret to it? Maybe it's a skill to be learned and revered, but as far as I can tell there is no way to describe a panel of sexual encounters without sounding a) ridiculously cheesy, or b) downright "readers'-wives".
It was something I attempted this week. While working on an adaptation of the murder ballad "Black Silk Ribbon" for my graphic fiction class (a.k.a - "Homework? Reading Watchmen is not fucking homework it's a privilege?") I had to include two panels of sexy, sexytimes but just couldn't quite pull it off. In the end embarrassment got the better of me and my panel descriptions literally said:
"sexy, sexytimes..."
It was either that or "ruffled hair, ruffled sheets and a nipple caught in the moonlight." HA!
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