I'll get it all down on paper. Someday.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


And all of a sudden I find myself starting another blog post with absolutely no idea what it's going to be about...

If I can't use this space for procastination then what can I use it for? It's my blog, and it's not as if anyone else is going to read it. So:

I've only got four weeks before the end of the taught modules of my Masters course, after that I get around four months to work on my first major project: Necrophenia. In these next four weeks I have to churn out a lyrical essay for my Theory and Authorship class, a script for a comic book adaptation of the old murder ballad "Frankie and Johnny" and another graphic script for the prequel to my major project (issue #0 if you will).

Hrrm, got nothing to say for any of these at the moment other than Frankie and Johnny has now become a russian roulette love triangle centred around the misuse of pot and tequila as a chatting up technique, Theory and Authorship may include Statler and Waldorf from the muppets and Necrophenia #0 being a somewhat generic zombie outbreak.

The thing is, I need to get these things out of the way. Not only because without completing these I would not pass the course I have been working hard on since last August, but because I am absolutely desperate to get to work on Necrophenia. I haven't been obsessed with a project like this in a long time and the thought of concentrating on that (and only that) for four months is making me giddy.

The negative, of course, is that I can't get it out of my head enough to get on with the fucking assessments. Oh, circle of cruelty, how I wish you were just a puppy. You would be so much easier to dispose of.

Huh, turns out this is the blog post where I introduce Necrophenia to the world, and all you're getting right now is the name.

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