I'll get it all down on paper. Someday.

Monday, 26 May 2008

The Telectroscope - Steampunk Public Art Installation...

For those of you who aren't into checking up on these sort of things I feel it necessary to point this out to you all. Many because I'm in love with all things steampunk at the moment (ever since I came up with the idea to add a pedal power light with cogs and sprockets added to my spokes on my bicycle) but also because it's the only piece of modern, public-space, interactive sculpture that I've actually fallen for in a while.

The Telectroscope has two stories:

1) Started in the 1880's by the great inventor Alexander St. George, a giant tunnel was constructed beneath the earth's crust to connect New York and London by a series of mirrors. After several accidents the telectroscope was abandoned... until recently when artist Robert St. George discovered these long forgotten plans and finally completed the tunnels construction.

2) Using wireless technology and a bunch of electronical gubbins passer-bys can look through the telectrscope at either end and see live footage from the other end allowing people to communicate (albeit through the medium of whiteboards and sign language) on different sides of the Atlantic. Basically, a public web-conference.

Geeeenius. Just look:

Tada! Links! -

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Muto - Graffiti animation

My my I'm busy today. Two whole blogs in one day (and blogs of such in-deth discussion and analysis that my brain's gonna blow out my assfunnel! I'm sure you'll agree, I'm in serious overdrive).

Anyway, just a little something that I've discovered from 'Blu'. A grafitti artist of excellent calibre that has merged the lines between street art and film. It's an excellent idea and one that I don't think I've ever encountyered before.

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Also, check out his website for more from him and stuff etc.

Bad taste...?

Is it just me or are there some serious 9/11 flashbacks involved in this commercial:

Nice commercial and everything (very pretty) but it's even got some old guy taking shelter in a shop while big clouds of foam rumble past the window and down the street outside.

Monday, 19 May 2008

International Food Market...

I'm sat here this afternoon with a cigarette in my hand, laptop sat (rather appropriately) on my lap and a very large, very delicious-looking plastic container sat at my side. It's contents? Around ten whole pounds worth of anchovy and jalapeno stuffed ripe, fresh olives.

Bought yesterday at the first of four of this years Aberdeen International Food Market along with a large bag of excellent (but pricey) pastries, superb (but costly) chocolate coverded raisins, lukewarm (but expensive) paella and a small, lowly potted plant bought for my mum which looks to by clinging desperately to life by it's brown, withered tendrils... But this is not a rant about these over-priced treats. Instead it is to be a rant about the character who sold me the plant.

He may have been French. He certainly had an accent, but where he was actually from I have no idea. What I am certain about is that he was rather creepy, and somewhat desperate to make an almost certain sale. As money was transferred, as the sale was being made and as it was apparent that there was no need for awkward conversation or salesmanship I was asked:

"Why, sir? Why you do this to your face?"

Confused for a second I realised that he was talking about the lipring in my face. Something that has been there for so long that I always forget it's there until it is brought up in conversation.

"Surley sore, no?"

"Eh, no. Not anymore.."

"But why spoil your face?" he continued, starting to get a little weird.

"I, eh, it's so I can tie my face to trucks and pull them down the street."

Now this is obviously not true (although it has been tried and tested. My personal best pulling a desk chair across a room if you're interested) but I thought that this obvious banter may provake a laugh or chuckle long enough for my to escape but, unfortunately he continued unphased with the horrific, and now immortal line:

"Please. Please take off your sunglasses. Please?"

Now feeling more than a little uncomfortable, but with a small collection of waiting customers now more concerned with this man reaction to my peircing I took them off.

"Oh now!" he exclaimed. "See! So pretty!" He clasped his hands to his face to emphasise and I reaplaced my glasses, grabbed my plant and chage and left. Quickly. Feeling not flattered, but a little used.

International Food Market - 4 star.

French-flower sellers who are not only closet homosexuals, but not afraid to flaunt it - 0 stars.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Soup of the day...

Michael j fox loves lentil soup.

Things That Annoy AlyMondo #3...

Glaswegian Monks

Glaswegian Monk: "Hi there. Was just wondering if you had a minute?"

Mondo: "Um, well, I've just finished work so..."

GM: "I am part of a group of glaswegian monks and was just wondering if you could spare anything?"

M: "Sorry? I've nothing on me."

GM: "That's ok. We spend our time travelling around cities and we're here this week talking to the happy people of Aberdeen..."

M: "Really? Happy people? Aberdeen?"

GM: "Yes."

M: "Well I don't have any cash on me, so..."

GM: "No no. That's ok..."

M: "So... Do you have like a website or anything?"

GM: "YES!"

M: "So... The address?"

GM: "Oh, eh, I don't remember it but that's ok we were just wondering if you could donate some milk?"

M: "Milk?"

GM: "Yes. Just pop off and buy us some milk. You see we live on your donations."

M: "What!? You want me to go and buy you some milk?"

GM: "Yes."

M: "So YOU are the charity then?"

GM: "Yes. That's how we work."

M: "Are you serious? No! Anyway I don't have any cash."

GM: "Yes, I'm serious. It's all very above board (flashes ID card) and it's ok if you don't have any cash. Do you have a card? You could just nip to Somerfield round the corner and buy some milk."

M: "Well I'm a bit skint myself just now, how about you nip off and donate me a packet of fags?"

GM: "Um, no that's ok. Thanks though. Can I maybe ask you to say something... Gouranga! It means 'Be Happy!"

M: "Get fucked."

AlyMondo - not a big fan of charity.

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Soup of the day...

The first installment of how i spend a small part of my mornings- coming up with silly little cartoons for the soup board at work.